Saturday, June 29, 2013

Archery - World Tournament

This year's NASP World Archery Tournament was held here at home in St. Louis at the Edward Jones Dome.  This tournament was nearly a month and a half after school ended.  The kids practiced twice a week for a couple hours each day to stay in practice.  It paid off!!  SMS Archery became the 35th best Middle School in the World.  We're very proud of these kids and what they have accomplished.  We will miss the 8th graders next year as they move on to the high school.  Hopefully they will continue their archery success with the high school team.  We wish them the best of luck.  Thank you to the following 8th graders who helped make our first year in Archery such a huge success:  Richie F, Tyler W, Lexi H, Caleb W, Emily B, Kristen B, Leah A, Kaci R, Katie S, Alex L, and Austin Y.